Have a photo to send? Wish to send a donation?

You may now use the US mail to send us photos, documents, etc. to post on the website! If you send items you want returned please include a stamped self-addressed return envelope. We will scan the items and return them to you as quickly as possible.

Also we've had considerable out of pocket costs setting up and maintaining the website. We would certainly appreciate any small (or even large) donation you might be willing to provide. If you wish to donate please make the check out to: Ames Reunion Ltd. (We have registered in the State of Colorado as a limited nonprofit corporation). Our mailing address for both website postings and donations is:

Ames Reunion Ltd.
c/o Jim Pearson
1809 Santa Fe Mountain Road
Evergreen, Colorado 80439

As expressed on many of the web pages, our email address is: