Dear Friends,

Do you recognize any of the following??

.... Kicking and screaming into the 20th century .... Y-Dugout .... Behind the conveyor belt .... Jim's Pizzeria .... Bearded Sockless Radical .... Frisbee House .... Writer's Roundtable .... Brief Candle .... Pizza Den--Big Jim on the piano .... Gentle Thursday .... Bluff Creek Theoretical Farm .... O.D. Bowl .... IPIRG House on State Street .... The Quarterstove .... The Moratorium Committee .... B.S.O. .... Room 5--Memorial Union .... Free University .... 3 brothers from Greece .... Rural .... The ISU Renovated Jug Band .... Choad House .... Red Ram/Genuine John's .... The Doll Houses .... Zippo Construction Co. .... Freak Week .... Pool Hall Waltz Band .... Redzband .... Rippey's Orchard .... The Grubstake .... Skunk River Cafe .... Tork's .... West Street Grocery/Dugan's Deli .... Gus

If some of the above ring a few bells and pull a few heart strings, then this message is for you. A reunion is being organized for those of us who wandered through the sometimes wonderful, sometimes tragic, and often strange counterculture experience of Ames, Iowa from the mid 1960's through the late 1970's. Don't worry if not everything on the list is familiar; after all it covers a time span of over ten years and not many of us were in Ames the entire time.

Scheduled in Ames for the weekend of August 16-18, 2002, the reunion is a loosely organized endeavor depending heavily on word of mouth contact and the internet for passing information. The primary event is planned for Saturday at the Memorial Union. A picnic at one of the area parks, and a night of music and dancing, are also being discussed with time left open to spend with your particular group of close friends doing what you want. To cover expenses a yet-to-be-determined donation will be requested in advance.

If this interests you, YOUR INPUT IS NEEDED!!!!

Visit the web site at . You'll find a center for locating lost friends, and a place to post photos, news, anecdotes, and memories of whatever you like. You can also email us at Also send your name, address, phone, and email address. Indicate if you would like this information posted on the website. (The information will be held in strict confidence if you so desire). If you have your own website and would like to link up, send that information as well.

Finally if you're in touch with anyone who would be interested in this letter please forward it to them.

Sincerely---Your Past!