Below is a copy of the first reunion update email (sent out on 6/13/01).

Hello Fellow Reunioneers and assorted other Friends!

Here's our first reunion update!


First and foremost, we've set the date for the reunion! The consensus of those who responded to the survey was overwhelming in favor of holding the event in 2002 and the month of August won out by a slim margin. After checking the availability of possible venues (Thanks Jean-Marie) we settled on the weekend of August 16-18, 2002. The main event will be in Ames, Saturday August 17, at the Memorial Union with other informal gatherings Friday and Sunday (details to follow in future updates). Hopefully this date works out for everyone.


It is now possible to reach us via the US Mail. The Address is:

Ames Reunion Ltd.
c/o Jim Pearson
1809 Santa Fe Mountain Rd.
Evergreen, CO 80439

This address can be used for anything pertaining to the reunion. If you have pictures or clippings you would like posted to the website and don't have a scanner, send them to us with a stamped self-addressed return envelope. We'll scan the items and return the originals to you ASAP. This is also the address to send donations (see below).


If you haven't visited the Ames Reunion Website lately, you should. ( The gallery has been redesigned and several new pictures have been added in the last month. There are some new links on the "links" page including a link to an Ames Reunion discussion site set up by reunioneer Fred Olson. Also, currently under construction, is the new "potpourri" page which will contain reunion updates, useful and useless information, and any other miscellaneous weirdness you care to post. The registration page is now much easier to use and contains text boxes for comments and feedback. We will continue to add new items to the website and urge you to participate by sending any memorabilia, reminisces, or comments you think your fellow reunioneers would enjoy.


Expect a long list of names coming soon in your email. Many of you sent us names of people you would like to see at the reunion. We've compiled a list of these names and plan to send it out shortly. If you know how to get in touch with any of these folks, do so and let us know.


In order to facilitate financing for the reunion and the website, we set up a non-profit limited corporation in the state of Colorado under the name of "Ames Reunion Limited". (Yes I know, very "un-60's"). As the event takes shape in the months ahead a per person cost will be decided based on the cost of facilities, catering, etc. We hope to keep the cost a low as possible and still maintain a quality experience for everyone. In the meantime we would really, really appreciate any donations to help pay the ongoing monthly expense to the website internet provider and a few other incidentals. If you wish to donate, send a check made out to "Ames Reunion Ltd." to the mailing address above.


Thanks to all of you. When we started this project six months ago, we had no idea what the response would be. The response has been fantastic! Thanks for all the suggestions, comments, and most of all encouragement. Hopefully many of you have had the opportunity to reconnect with some old friends and have had some good memories along the way.

As always, if you have any comments or questions for us, send an email and we will respond.


Your Past

Loosely organized endeavor.
Copyright © 2001 Ames Reunion Ltd. All rights reserved.