Dear Reunioneers,

Here is the latest reunion schedule and guide (subject to minor changes if conditions warrant.)


4:00PM to 6:00PM. Hotel at Gateway Center Happy Hour (Highway 30 and Elwood Drive, 515-292-8600)

For those of you who want to get started early or need to brace yourself for the shock of seeing all your old friends with 30 extra years on them, the hotel has a happy hour from 4 to 6 with drink specials and free hors d'oeuvres. Many of our out-of-town reunioneers have accomodations at the hotel and, although this is not an "official" reunion event, it might be a good place to meet up with friends and start the night.

7:00PM to 9:00PM Rieman Gardens Benefit Concert (Somewhere South of ISU Stadium)

Again not an "official" reunion event, but one that you may find appealing. Rich Beachler and his band "Door #3" will be playing in the gardens, which are alledgely quite lovely (the gardens that is, not the band, we don't know what the band looks like.) $5.00 admission. Check Rich's link on the website for further details.

6:00PM to Close (2:00AM?). Boheme Bistro (2900 West Street, formerly Dugan's Deli, formerly formerly West Street Grocery, 515-296-4674)

Gathering begins at 6PM. Music begins at 8PM. Open to all, but paid reservation holders get preferred admission in case of overcrowding. Featuring EL Skunko Rio Trio and assorted outside agitators (Rob Louden, Roger Maddux, Paul Nelson, with Dave Phaehn, Joe Taschetta, and anyone else who shows up.) Jam until closing. If it gets too crowded you may retire to Thumbs (formerly Tork's Pub) half a block away, if that gets too crowded, go out to central campus, make love not war, and come back later. (We've also arranged for the Hotel at Gateway Center to leave their lounge open until 2:00AM.)


All Saturday events at the Great Hall of the ISU Memorial Union (still in the same place it always was.) Paid registrants pick up your name tags and meal tickets at the registration table. Late registrants already signed up and owing money, pay here and get tags and tickets.

Beginning at noon, the day will be divided into three segments.

EARLY AFTERNOON Noon to 3:30PM, open to all:

Music will commence around 1PM. Featured musicians include: The Sofa Kings, The Shakin' Katies, Ed Osenbough and Friends, Rose Griffin Morse and Friends, and a Jam Session. No refreshments. (You may purchase food and drink in the Commons downstairs.)

BREAK 3:30PM to 4:30PM

Everyone will be asked to leave while the staff sets up tables, etc for banquet.

LATE AFTERNOON 4:30PM to 7:00PM, paid registrants only.

Open cash bar beginning at 4:30 and buffet banquet beginning at 5:30. (Please have your banquet tickets on hand.) Music by Colby Kegley, Ken Jolls and Friends, and the ISU Jazz Quintet Reunion Band.

EVENING 7:00PM TO MIDNIGHT, Paid registrants free, $5.00 per person cover charge to all others.

After a brief interlude to move out some tables the evening music program will begin with The Jug Band, Sue Osborn, Al Biela, John Eagan and the Other Brothers, Redzband, and a final huge jam session later on. Should be a great show!!!!

AFTER MIDNIGHT, only the hardy.

The Union will close at midnight and all must leave. For those not completely exhausted, we have made arrangements with the Hotel at Gateway Center to leave their lounge open until 2:00 AM for a nightcap.


Meet at the mini campanile on Welch Street and Chamberlain, encircle it, raise it up 3 feet with a levitation chant, turn it upside down, rotate it 30 degrees, and set it back down. Go home and sleep, you've earned it.


Picnic at Hickory Shelter of Brookside Park. Begin serving food at Noon.

Catered BBQ sandwiches (some veggie too), fixins, lemonade or iced tea for all paid reunioneers (bring your other meal ticket) Others are invited, but please bring your own food and refreshment. Acoustic music jam beginning at 1:30PM includes the Barn Owls, Rick Exner, Merle Hall, Forrest Russell, and others. Sue Osborn will be featured as well. Other folk and bluegrass musicians welcome to play. May possibly last as long as 8:00PM depending on crowd and energy level of musicians. (Note: paid reunioneers not wanting lemonade or iced tea should bring their own beverages.) That's it! Enjoy!

Sincerely--Your Past


Loosely organized endeavor.
Copyright © 2002 Ames Reunion Ltd. All rights reserved.