Found the Blues so deep within you by Kristel Endrulat Mayberry

From the beginning, it was obvious the land that was Central Campus had been a gift from the Great North delivered by the glacier ice many millennium ago. Winters were brutal, even as a Youngblood. It must have been sometime in January, 1976 – I had been invited to my first “FAC” by one of the coolest women I had the privilege of spending time with. The minutes on the clock in my English Class in Mckay Hall were passing slowly enough to prolong the inevitable venture through the frigid cold across campus to the Memorial Union. Entering on the North side, I carefully walked around the Zodiac inlaid mosaic and wound my way down the curved staircase to arrive on time for my first show at The Maintenance Shop; an early show with the highly recommended Jim Schwall Band. These cats hailed from Chicago and were going to give me my maiden voyage into some serious blues, Paula Walker was my guide. A couple of drinks and a couple of songs and we were on the dance floor jamming with the band. There were no words, not much conversation, as the music carried us away. Each in our own body. Each in our own soul. She got it. I had met my musical soulmate. I was in love with my life of enlightenment and coming of age. That magical show precipitated many more, each providing an appreciation and love of life.